Energy recovery ventilation is the best strategy for enhancing indoor air quality (IAQ) and saving energy. An energy recovery ventilator, or ERV, is a system that employs energy recovery technology, such as a static-plate core or rotating wheel. This process uses balanced airflows and recovers otherwise-expended total energy comprised of heat (sensible energy) and humidity (latent energy). In summer, warm and humid outside air is precooled and dehumidified via the total energy from the outgoing cool interior air. In winter, cold and dry outside air is preheated and humidified via the total energy from the outgoing warm interior air. Subsequently, less energy is needed for conditioning and ventilation, which means HVAC equipment can be downsized.

RenewAire was the FIRST INNOVATOR with static-core technology in North America, and our systems are known for their ease of use, RELIABILITY and energy savings.

RenewAire energy recovery ventilators can be seen on This Old House

Renewaire on This Old House®

How to Understand Indoor Air Quality
How Does Energy Recovery Ventilation Work?
Pro2Pro: Live Q&A
Minute 10:20
Pro2Pro: Focus on HVAC
Minute 08:13

Why Renewaire is Preferred